I found the goats today! Up Park Avenue just past Thurston Middle School. Free petting zoo for the kids. Just have the goat herder turn off the electric shock fence first. So happy the goats have an ocean view! #goats #goatherder #electricfence #pettingzoo #firesafety #thurstonmiddleschool #lagunabeach #parkavenue #explorelaguna #walk #oceanview
My awesome, amazing. rockin, fun, sweet, cool, beautiful niece teaches spin every Tuesday and Thursday 7-8pm at Pop Cycle in Boat Canyon (Pavilions shopping center). Go get your exercise on! $20 first class. $15 students. Visitors and locals packages. @popcycle2k @mackeeenzziiee @lorihester4 #spin #lagunabeach #exercise #tunes #workout Listen up ladies! Huge women's lawn bowling tournament going on now at the Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling Club. Also, please don't call those semi round things they roll balls, they must be called bowls! This site is one of the many interesting things you will see on my free self guided walking tour. Go to my website to request your free map. #lagunabeach #lawnbowling #explorelaguna #bowling #palmtrees #heislerpark #bowl #lowimpact #exercise #friendlycompetition Donavan Frankenreiter rocked it last night at The Ranch benefitting the Boys and Girls Club of Laguna Beach. The Ranch is a perfect place for a wedding, golf, dinner and now you can stay in one of their newly remodeled hotel rooms. #donavonfrankenreiter @donavon_frankenreiter #theranchlb @theranchlb #lagunabeach #fundraiser #boysandgirlsclub #concertonthegreen #concert #golfinlagunabeach #weddingsinlagunabeach #dancing @patticompton @celesteinlb @candice.dartez @steffgapp @elainebrashier Plein air painting with your BFF. Doesn't get any better! #heislerpark #lagunabeach #pleinair #pacificocean #beach #umbrellas @lpapamembers Art alert! New public art at Ocean Avenue and Beach Street. Installation completed today. "Road Blossoms Laguna Beach" #publicart #lagunabeach #artinpublicplaces #artalert #beach #ocean I know you're asking yourself why Laguna Beach has a lighthouse nestled into the canyon hillside and not even on the ocean? Well it's a cool disguise! This Mediterranean style lighthouse is actually a sewage treatment plant VENT! It is #12 on my new "Downtown Tour" that is currently under construction. Go to my website and check out what I have done so far. #mediterranean #architecture #sewageplant #disguise #lagunabeach #canyon #lighthouse #explorelaguna #freewalkingtour #freetour #walklaguna #selfguided Laguna Beach has the most unique artist-designed benches thanks to our Arts Commission. This concrete, stainless steel, cast glass bench in front of Ocean Brewery on Ocean Avenue was created by Larry Gill and Gavin Heath. Gavin gives glass blowing lessons so contact him for a fun experience creating your own glass art! #lagunabeach #artscommission #publicart #artistdesignedbench #oceanave #oceanbrewery #explorelaguna #bench #glassblowing @gavinheath @larrygill #castglass My bots plus Skipper at the Angels game last night. Have a Homerun Day!!! #lagunabeach #skippercarrillo #haveahomerunday #skippercarrilllohighschoolbaseballfield |
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April 2021