Watching my baby play baseball
Hanging with my sporty spice niece
Nita Carman Park- Suffragette Ms. Carman was a champion of women’s right to vote. During WWII, she opened her LB home to hundreds of servicemen and women. .
Public art titled, “Sunbathers “. Per the artist, “These whimsical sunbathers are taking a reprieve with the one lying on her stomach trying to get a Southern California tan”.
Angler fish mailbox made from a propane tank by an artist in New Zealand .
School Power Headquarters. Who is going to the dinner dance tonight? Please buy lots of silent auction items ... $$$ for the kids! .
Streets walked today: St Ann's Dr. and Fen Way
#lbhsbaseball #cousintime #nitacarmanpark #flagfootball #sunbathersart #publicart #flyballzone #monarchwaystation #anglerfishmailbox #schoolpower