Almost every day you will see Michael waving to those passing by Sapphire Restaurant. This historic location housed the original Pottery Shack for nearly 60 years. Back in 2006, local artist, Mike Tauber, refurbished the greeter statue. Mike also created the murals on the Whole Foods windows and helped with the tiled mural on the Water District building. Those are #5 and #41 respectively on my free Downtown Walk. One last thing...check out the red hot pokers blooming. Our winter blooms are coming a little later than usual due to the warm fall we had this year. #greeter #potteryshack @shapphirelaguna @#miketauber #redhotpoker #eilerlarsen #lagunabeach #explorelaguna #winterblooms @wfmlagunabeach #waterdistrict #walk #downtown @hipdistrict